Russell Arts Center Henderson University – Arkadelphia, Arkansas
The Russell Fine Arts Center music department was extensively upgraded with this project.
In addition, the existing building was constructed with pre-cast accents and white brick. The construction on Campus that occurred after the Russell Center,a 60 era building, was constructed was primarily red brick. The art center main entry was oriented to the north side of campus and a perimeter street. The recent planning in this part of the Campus now opened to the south of Russell onto a quadrangle created by the new Student Union.
We were tasked to design a new entry and plaza that would tie Russell to the new focus of the campus.
We devised a scheme that would blend the existing white brick with the new pre-cast and red brick palate of material and orient the Russell entry lobby and plaza to the quad.
Funds were allocated to the project, but with competing demands for other Campus projects only a portion of the work was accomplished.
In addition, the existing building was constructed with pre-cast accents and white brick. The construction on Campus that occurred after the Russell Center,a 60 era building, was constructed was primarily red brick. The art center main entry was oriented to the north side of campus and a perimeter street. The recent planning in this part of the Campus now opened to the south of Russell onto a quadrangle created by the new Student Union.
We were tasked to design a new entry and plaza that would tie Russell to the new focus of the campus.
We devised a scheme that would blend the existing white brick with the new pre-cast and red brick palate of material and orient the Russell entry lobby and plaza to the quad.
Funds were allocated to the project, but with competing demands for other Campus projects only a portion of the work was accomplished.